The Missy Elliott & Timbaland Roles For The Upcoming Aaliyah Biopic Have Been Cast…

This is very confusing

Lifetime, a network both notorious and famous for their “made for TV” movies, has been working on an Aaliyah biopic for quite some time, and prior to today, they had already run into several controversies.  First, there was the issue of Aaliyah’s family feeling left out of the process (which is never a good look), and secondly: Zendaya Coleman, the young and talented actress Lifetime originally cast to play Aaliyah, took so much backlash from being selected she eventually dropped out of the project altogether.

Today, news broke that the roles of Timbaland and Missy Elliott, two of the most prominent people in Aaliyah’s life both professionally and personally, had finally been fulfilled.


Chattrisse Dolabaille, pictured below…



…and Izaak Smith, pictured below…

izaak smith


…will play Missy Elliott and Timbaland in the biopic, respectively.  With the right make-up, maybe the producers of the biopic can somewhat mirror the faces of the people they’ve been chosen to play, but right now, we just don’t see it.  What do you think? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook.