Who Is Jimmy McGill? The Latest “Better Call Saul” Teaser Trailer Answers The Question

Because “Better Call Jimmy” wouldn’t have rolled of the tongue as easy.

Although Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan expressed some doubts in the past concerning the success of upcoming spinoff, Better Call Saul, its newest teaser trailer should put any cynic at ease. The clip albeit brief, answers a few questions about the upcoming series as well as poses a few new ones.

In the teaser, creators Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould discuss one of the show’s main characters, “Jimmy McGill”. Interestingly enough, you quickly discover that Jimmy McGill and Saul Goodman (played by Bob Odenkirk) are one in the same. The co-creators tease us with the questions: “How do you become Saul Goodman, and why?” and “What kind of problem do you have, that becoming Saul Goodman solves…?”  which will inevitably be answered in the series. 

The creators also give us an idea of where sequentially, Better Call Saul falls into the Breaking Bad universe, saying it takes place “…about half a decade before the events of Breaking Bad — before Walter White meets Saul Goodman.” So the series will present the sleazy beginnings of the lawyer everyone loves to hate.

If you’re looking for a quick chuckle while you await the February release of Better Call Saul, you can email James M. McGill AKA Saul Goodman at his Earthlink email address (yes, they are really going all out with the early 2000 e-mail) for a humorous response at: JamesMcGill312@earthlink.net.

Enjoy the teaser above.


Khari Clarke will be binge-watching Breaking Bad until Better Call Saul releases. You can find him on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII) in between episodes.