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In an interview with Editor-In-Chief Dirk Standen, Ralph Lauren treated interested readers to an in-depth conversation about the state of the Ralph Lauren empire, including why he got rid of the Rugby brand, why Purple Label will always be superior to Black Label, and what his plans are for the future of the Ralph Lauren brand.

In the conversation, Standen referred to a rather infamous portion of Kanye’s interview with Sway during his Yeezus press run.


Kanye: You ain’t spent $13 million of your own money trying to create something!

Sway: You’re right Kanye, but I’ve spent hundreds of thousands on my own clothing line

Kanye: It ain’t no Ralph though, it ain’t Ralph level

Needless to say, Kanye was referring to legendary fashion designer Ralph Lauren, who had this to say about the now famous comments.

“[laughs] So an adjective. It’s very Ralph … That’s very cool. Well, that’s great. If I were to cater to Kanye, he would know that I’m catering to him. The fact that I make what I make—he gets it. He gets the quality and he respects it. And I think that’s the key, why I work all the time is to do that. That’s the fun.”



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