Here Are The New Characters For The Upcoming “Walking Dead” Spinoff Series

This is exciting!

The fifth season of AMC’s The Walking Dead is two weeks away, but it’s the show’s upcoming companion series that is getting all the buzz as of late. A few weeks ago, after rumors began spreading across the blogosphere, AMC confirmed that they ordered a pilot for a Walking Dead spinoff and gave some incite as to what we could expect.

Now, the folks over at TVLine got some exclusive details on the main cast members of the forthcoming offshoot:

SEAN CABRERA | A Latino male in his early 40s, Sean is a good man trying to do right by everyone in his life.

CODY CABRERA | Sean’s whip-smart and rebellious teenage son. Known as the angriest kid in town.

NANCY TOMPKINS | A thirty-something single mom to two kids, Nancy looks like the girl next door, but there’s an edge to her.

NICK TOMPKINS | Nancy’s screwed up teenage son. He’s too old to stay home, too scared to flee.

ASHLEY TOMPKINS | Nancy’s mostly level-headed teenage daughter. Her ambition is in direct proportion to her older brother’s failures. She loves her mom but it’s time to get out of Dodge.

ANDREA CHAPMAN | A somewhat wilted flower child, forty-something Andrea — yep, another Andrea! — has retreated to the outskirts of the city to recover after a horrible marriage.

The new clique will exist within the same Walking Dead world as the central cast, but outside of Georgia which will give us an idea of how survivors in other parts of the country (possibly the world) are faring the zombie apocalypse. TVLine said, “AMC has promised that TWD: 2.0 will shed light on a new, previously unseen corner of the zombie apocalypse — perhaps one where the living outnumber the undead” — sounds promising enough.

They also mentioned that the companion series will work as a quasi-prequel, “one that would chronicle the early days of the epidemic and the effort to contain it.” So perhaps we will FINALLY find out what exactly caused the outbreak, or so we hope. 

There is no official release date for the companion series as of yet, so in the meantime let’s all just pray Daryl doesn’t die when The Walking Dead season 5 premiere’s on October 12th. Check back with The Source as more information becomes available.


Khari Clarke is all for more Walking Dead. Chat with him about the show on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII).