Peyton Manning Has Broken The All-Time NFL Record For Touchdown Passes

Peyton Manning just hit a huge milestone in prime time

508 touchdowns is an immense statistic for any player at any position, even a quarterback. An NFL quarterback would need to throw 3 touchdown passes every single regular season game for just over a decade to reach that statistic. Most quarterbacks don’t get to play at a high level for a full decade. Between injuries and younger, faster, more athletic guys coming into the league every few years, most quarterbacks get to play at their peak for 5-6 years, and then their franchise starts getting ready to usher in the next guy. Peyton Manning has been playing at his peak for 15 years, and he just threw his 509th touchdown pass.

Pretty bad ass. The cherry on top? The Broncos are beating the 49ers at home by 25 points. Congratulations to Peyton, and it’s nice to see the guy whose record he broke, Brett Favre, showing some love on Twitter.