WPIX 11 Heroin A-Z: “R is for Recovery”

Drug use is an epidemic that has torn apart communities and families on a global scale for years. For those looking to shake the grip of addiction the road to recovery can be an arduous one — an uphill battle so difficult that even heavyweights like Eminem (whose seventh studio album was titled “Recovery”) and countless others have used the process as inspiration to fuel their craft.

The past few years have seen a significant rise in the use of heroin nationwide, with the heroin related deaths doubling between 2008 and 2012 according to the CDC.  Tonight as a part of their Heroin A-Z series, PIX 11 News and reporter Mary Murphy will delve into the challenges addicts face on the road to recovery. Murphy will meet with recovering addicts from St. Christopher’s Inn in New York, discussing the hardships they’re facing throughout the process. She’ll also shed light on issues regarding recovery care such as  the battle for getting recovering individuals insurance money to cover treatment, as well as appropriating an adequate and beneficial length of care for them.

Learn everything you need to know about recovering from heroine addiction during the PIX11 News at Ten’s Heroin A-Z series. The latest episode, “Recovery,” aired tonight and tomorrow night, be sure to catch “Zero Tolerance” tomorrow night at 10pm.