This edition of Hood Health 101 deals with the importance of maintaining your individuality while executing your life’s purpose.

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From the time you’re born until the end of your days life will give you an abundance of lessons. It is always up to us to be available, attentive, and accepting of the message that is contained within each lesson. With this in mind, I want to share with you one of the greatest lessons that nature has ever taught me. Now before I tell you the message, I will tell you the story of how the message came to me. Take a moment to think about nature. Think about a field full of the most amazingly beautiful flowers. Now stand in that place and let the positive energy, beauty, and serenity seep into your being. Visualize one beautiful flower after another.


Here is the lesson:
Sometimes nature will place a singularly beautiful thing in the midst of things that you may find less visually appealing, and sometimes there will be an abundance of beautiful things surrounded by other beautiful things.

Here is the message:
As a flower is growing and blooming into what it needs to be, it is not concerned with the flower that’s growing beside it or how beautiful it may be. The point beloveds, is that you have to learn to BE IN YOUR OWN LANE. What everyone else is doing, thinking, and saying cannot be factored into your process. We each have our own set of talents or things that we do extraordinarily well. Those are the things that we have to nurture within ourselves.

So often we get sidetracked by another individual’s success that we lose vital time that could be invested in our own success. Trying to keep up with the “Joneses” has destroyed businesses, relationships, friendships, and has been the catalyst to overall individual ruin for some. Success takes the shape of so many different scenarios, the thing is to determine what success means to you and go for it. The flower out in nature is not afraid to grow, it’s not afraid to bloom, it’s not afraid to get dirty, it’s not afraid to get rained on, and it’s not afraid to let the sun to shine its light on it. It simply stretches out as far as it can growing in the direction of the sunlight.

The amazing thing about life beloveds, is that you can have an abundance of beautiful things in close proximity to each other. One beautiful thing doesn’t take away from the beauty of another, they’re each distinctively different making them invaluable. There is a room for more than one success story! The magnificence of having a community that understands this is within each person’s success being celebrated as a community. Nature does not always provide the luxury of choice when it comes to the notion of community. Being able to select or choose the community of individuals that you surround yourself with is a privilege that you shouldn’t take lightly.

This is your life beloved, and you only have this one! Every day you are contributing to your legacy. Be in your own lane. GET and STAY FOC– USED on your goals and desires. Utilize others as inspiration and for advice. Create your own journey while crafting your own road. Be like the flower, take root and simply grow. Not concerned with another individuals journey but with your own. Your path is laden with your own purpose and in order to see your purpose actualized you have to be fiercely committed to the success of your own journey. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @NakeashaJ and on Instagram @Melanated_Beauty.