Hanging Of A NC Teen Launches A Federal Hate Crime Investigation

The medical examiner ruled Lennon Lacy’s hanging death a suicide, but his mother believes that the teen football star’s 32 year old white, drug addict ex-girlfriend knows exactly what happened to her son

August 28 was the last day that Claudia Lacy saw her son 17 year old son Lennon alive. The teen was found hanging from a public swing set cross bar in a trailer park in the small town of Bladenboro, North Carolina. Lacy was an athelete, but he was asthmatic, which forced him to train in the cooler night air.

On the evening of the 28th, the lineman for the West Bladen High School nights went out for an evening walk and was never heard from again. State and local investigators are sticking by the story that depression made the 17 year old kill himself because Claudia Lacy told them that he was depressed because a relative a recently died.


Facts remain that the 5’9″ 200 lb. teen was found hanging from the 7’6″ cross bar of a swing set by a 52 year old white woman who called 911, but him down before local authorities arrived. The shoes that were found on Lacy’s feet were sans laces and two sizes two small. The motive is circling the possibility that he may have been the target of a lynching because of his interracial relationship with a 32 year old, white crack addict named Michelle Brimhall, who is currently unable to be located. The local police department says she is not a suspect.

The FBI has launched an investigation into Lacy’s death as well as the investigations that were facilitated by the local and state departments of this possible hate crime.

TheSource.com will be bringing you the latest details of this story as it develops.

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)