Flex VS Hov

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Last night, Funkmaster Flex–as he always does–aired out his issues on a particular subject on Hot 97. For the past twenty years, Funkmaster Flex has been known to be one of the best Hip-Hop DJs, personalities and record-breakers in the industry, but nobody “talks their sh*t” quite like he does. So, when Life + Times, the website Jay Z started several years ago, reached out to Funkmaster Flex recently to do an interview, Flex felt wronged by the request. The Hot 97 DJ cited the fact that after a freelance Life+Times writer published a story about his digital app in 2013, he went digging around for information that wasn’t used in the interview, and Flex alleges some of that information was used to help Jay Z launch his Samsung app, through which he released his 2013 Magna Carta Holy Grail album.

In addition to that, it’s common knowledge that Dipset music is not allowed to be played in 40/40 clubs–also owned by Jay Z–due in part to issues that Jay had with Cam’ron during his split from Roc-A-Fella. In Life+Times recent interview request for Flex, they wanted to know more about his role in the 2015 Dipset reunion and tour, which Flex has been promoting mercilessly on social media. Funk Flex posted the interview request to his IFWT website.


sabrinaFlex responded with the following rant, which you can listen to by pressing play below. The interesting part in all this, is a few short months ago, October to be exact, Funk Flex made an appearance on his Hot 97 colleagues Peter Rosenberg and Cipher Sounds  Juan Epstein podcast, and had this to say about relationship with Jay Z.

Peter Rosenberg: Whats your relationship with jay been like?

Funkmaster Flex: Uhhhhh you know what, (voice gets really high)

Rosenberg: Why’d he [his voice] get so HIGHHH

Flex: [to crowd] How’d y’all know that was going to be a nasty one
You know what it is about me and him, we been around the same amount of time. So it’s like a “I gotta see you , you gotta see me were still here.” I played his records when i was on BLS, him and jaz and then.. what else.
I MEAN he’s cocky, I’m cocky too, you know so, we kinda like

Rosenberg: So you kinda bump heads?

Flex: I don’t know that its bump heads, or, ill talk to him about something, well wanna do something, if he takes a little time to get back to me , im like alright ima take a little time to get back to him, and we always remember who did something last. Like hell say something to me sometimes that reminds me, like “remember when you said..” alright man.

Later Cipher Sounds tells a story about the time he was A&Ring Flex’s album and dealt with Jay Z getting on a song.

Cipher: Jay walked in with Dame like “where flex at?” Flex told me to tell him to pick a beat. [He said] I aint fucking pickin a beat and walked out, Jay just left.:
Flex: It got done, but i made sure i missed a couple sessions
its just what it is, I get it, he’s cocky. I aint gonna lie , we’re similar
But I respect him a lot, I respect his grind, his back was against the wall, that Bad Boy was shining bright.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/186290253″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]  (1 hour 46 min mark for Hov talk)