Shaq takes it to the free throw line to test the under-inflated theory

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The phrase “Deflate-gate”, has taken the media headlines by storm and without a doubt has been the most popular topic in the sports world this week. With fans deriving all sorts of information from the media, it could be a bit overwhelming for the average fan to fully grasp what’s going on. With players, analysts, coaches and GM’s all having their own opinions it leaves you with one question; does a deflated ball really make a difference?

Well, thanks to the Inside the NBA Crew, the guys had fun with the whole situation and decided to use Shaquille O’Neal shooting a free throw as a test to prove the theory. The experiment consisted of, Shaq shooting free throws with a fully-inflated basketball and a deflated basketball to justify that a inflated or deflated ball makes no difference in a miss or make at the free throw line.


Talk all things NBA and why Chris Dudley is not better than Shaq at the line with Drew on twitter @AndrewSomuah

About The Author

Hailing from the DMV, Andrew is a writer who's covered everything from NBA training camps to all things hip-hop culture. When he's not writing on everything hip-hop and hoops, he's usually practicing his stand-up.

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