Frank Freshwaters, who’s life was portrayed in 1994’s Shawshank Redemption, is being returned to prison in Ohio after almost six decades on the lam
Yesterday, U.S. Marshals arrested 79 year old Frank Freshwaters, the man who inspired the character Andy Dufresne from the Academy Award winning movie Shawshank Redemption in Melbourne, Florida after being on the run for almost 60 years.
Freshwaters admitted,
“You got me.”
to the Marshals who showed up to arrest him Monday morning after a week long stakeout in a Melbourne trailer park. Freshwaters had been living under the assumed name of William Harold Cox, under which he was still able to receive social security checks when he fled to Florida by obtaining a new social security number with his new identity. It wasn’t until a year ago when a deputy Marshal re-opened Freshwaters’ cold file and re-issued the search that initially began when Freshwaters escaped from a honor farm, instead of the Ohio State Reformatory as portrayed in the film on September 30, 1959.
Freshwaters has waived extradition so that Ohio can pick him up and finish the 18 years left he has on the prison sentence he skipped out on back in 1959.
-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)