Keith Miller’s “Five Star” finally will be available to the masses. It opens in NY on July 24 at the IFC Cinemas, in LA on July 31 at the Arena Cinemas and on VOD and iTunes August 4. 

Visit for more information

In April 2014, The Source sat down with the cast. Read the entire interview here and our thoughts here:

Films like “Five Star” are rare.

It covers familiar subject matter — inner-city gangs; navigating the joys and trials of adolescence; growing into manhood in an urban environment. But this movie is different. It does what only art can, and that is it makes us feel, and it makes us understand. It is not a documentary, but it uses true life to create a fiction that is reality. We are brought into the world of the film, which is not so much an interpretation of the streets and projects of Brooklyn as it is the area captured in time, much like a Cartier-Bresson photograph, presenting the viewer with glimpses of private lives in public spaces. It gives us meticulous portraits of its characters, bringing us to an intimacy with them scene by scene. It presents layer upon layer of the mundane details until it adds up to profundity. This is a film not to be missed.

