[WATCH] Video Of Black Men Arrested In Starbucks Causes Uproar On The Internet

An otherwise “normal” racist scenario in an eating establishment ending with two Black men being arrested for sitting in a Philadelphia Starbucks has gone viral after someone recorded the arrests while other patrons just observed, not knowing what happened or why they were being detained.

One of the Starbucks’ employees called the police to report the young men, who were waiting for a third party to have a meeting before they were arrested, according to reports.

Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson on Saturday expressed his “deepest apologies” to the men, who refused to leave the coffee shop because they did not make a purchase, which apparently prompted their arrest. Johnson plans on meeting with the two men this week.


“I hope to meet personally with the two men who were arrested to offer a face-to-face apology,”

Johnson said.