Q-Tip Revamps the Coming of His New Album ‘The Last Zulu’

Six years ago, Q-Tip undisputed Hip-Hop legend and lead member of the iconic A Tribe Called Quest signed to Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music. His fourth solo effort, The Last Zulu was supposed to be his prime release with the label, but the said drop has yet to happen. On Saturday night, Tip revamped the coming of his highly anticipated gem through the deed of a single tweet touting fans that the album will be dropping soon.

Back when the masses we first introduced to the identity of The Last Zulu, the Hip-Hop class act revealed in a 2012 interview with Vibe that while the album will serve a Kanye influence, he plans on sticking to his signature stance as a classical Hip-Hop emcee. “It’s gonna be me, straight up and down,” said Q-Tip. “I’m coming with that boom-bap, unrelenting, lyrical, thoughtful, edgy, street…” He also deemed his bond with Ye as one filled with mutual respect.

The masses immediately rose up to excitement once the tweet went aboard from “Vivrant Thing” maker’s fingertips. The tweet happens to suggest there will be an additional moniker for the album The Riot Diary. While there is faint detail on the purpose of the moniker, logically it does not suggest a complete title change as the “aka” is supremely blatant.

The tribe legend has been pretty active, as most legends are in the constant rotation of creating. He is set to star as Mile Davis in an upcoming play by Nelson George, My Funny Valentine. In 2016, ATCQ released their sixth and final studio album We Got It From Here… Thank You 4 Your Service, which debuted No. 1 on the Billboard 200. Also, the rapper will soon become a college course instructor at NYU where he will join the Clive Davis Institute Facility teaching about the connection between jazz and Hip-Hop.

Besides Tribe’s final effort, The Last Zulu will follow Tip’s third solo effort 2009’s Kamaal/The Abstract alongside his 2014 collaborative mixtape with fellow legend in rhyme Busta Rhymes The Abstract and The Dragon. 

There is a great chance that the Tribe legend is a member of the trail of notable releases by Hip-Hop icons in 2018. So far, 2018 has been awed by the works of legends in the likes of Black Thought with Streams of Thought Vol. 1 and Nas’ NASIR (produced by Ye), and now Q-Tip is testing the chance.