The Atlanta Music Project provides intensive, tuition-free music education for underserved youth in the Atlanta city limits through out-of-school programs and private lesson programs. Each of the students apart of the Atlanta Music Project are provided an instrument, classes, world-class teaching artists and numerous performance opportunities to build confidence, creativity, and ambition in these aspiring musicians.

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Just last week, Cricket Wireless’ CEO, John Dwyer, and Atlanta native, Monica, partnered with The Atlanta Music Project to sing, celebrate, and donate to the overall cause of keeping the arts in schools. As apart of the official donation, Monica announced a financial contribution would be given to 100 students of The Atlanta Music Project in the form of full scholarships.

More specifically, the scholarships are to assist middle school and high school students to participate in the newly launched AMP All-Star Youth Orchestra & Choir, in which is the first of its kind in the Atlanta area.
