Chris Brown’s Neighbors Complain of His Graffiti, He Fires Back

Chris Brown

In the latest Breezy news, Chris Brown’s neighbors have taken legal action against him for painting graffiti on the side of his Hollywood Hills home.

Written by Kyle Renwick

Patti Negri, president of the neighborhood group, Hollywood Dell Civic Association, has lead the charge against the singer’s artistic display on his private property. “There are lots of babies, lots of children, and they’re literally frightened. [There are] devils on the wall — big scary eyes and big scary teeth, and just the whole vibe is not what we’re used to,” Negri said. As a representative for many residents in the Hollywood area Negri is concerned that Browns home is making children and adults uncomfortable in their own neighborhood. Negri told the Associated press that she would just like Brown to “tone it down and be a better neighbor.”


It is illegal to deface most private property, according to Hollywood law. Police have cited Brown for $376 for unpermitted and excessive signage, after a number of calls were made to authorities about his legal violation. Police have also ordered Brown to remove the graffiti within 30 days.

The graffiti sprawled along the side of Brown’s home is of vibrantly colored monsters with strained, depressed eyes and massive, shark-like teeth. It stands out boldly amongst the other homes on Browns street, however Brown and his attorney, Mark Geragos, are resisting the pending lawsuit. Geragos has emphatically claimed a violation of Brown’s first amendment rights in the legal matter and says that neighbors have also harrassed Brown over parking discrepancies, and pet complaints.

Brown is no stranger to this sort of controversy. It’s been an ongoing problem for him since he was charged with assault on former girlfriend Rihanna, in 2011. He’s never been one to take bad press sitting down, and it looks as if nothing will change in his current predicament.

Brown’s Response”


-Kyle Renwick