Diddy’s Car Pulled Over At Gunpoint In L.A.


The Bad Boy general gets mistakenly yanked by Los Angeles Sheriff Deparment with guns drawn

Earlier today not far from ultra-exclusive West Hollywood hotspot SoHo House, Diddy’s Maybach was pulled over by armed deputies from the LA County Sheriff Department. According to TMZ.com it went down like this:

We’re told someone called 911 and said someone inside the Maybach had a gun.  At least 9 squad cars roared to the scene.  Cops pulled their guns and ordered the occupants of the Maybach out of the car and made them lie prone on the ground, until they discovered there weren’t any guns. The street was closed down temporarily until deputies gave the all-clear

Even at the top, police shakedowns are going down on a regular basis. Good thing Diddy was clean this time.

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)