Today’s Mathematics

Today's Math

Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Understanding all being Born to Culture

Peace to all! Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Understanding all being Born to Culture. Knowledge Understanding means to observe all things with your 3rd eye in order to have a proper Understanding. Knowledge gives one a clear picture of all ways of life, however, coupled with Understanding, both principles gives one the ability to Master and live according to the Culture of the Original people, which is I-God. Once one is taught the Knowledge and Understanding of their true way of life, they will continue daily to teach their Culture and share the science of everything in life(Love, Peace, & Happiness) with everyone in their Cipher.

There are aspects of Original people’s Culture that have vanished over a period of centuries in this country and even some of the most vocal personalities against America’s broken system are retracting their sentiments. Entertainment legend Bill Cosby continues to put the blame on the apathy of Black and poor people to the joy and delight of the unseen hand of oppression. While he saluted the benevolence of white people during slavery, he pointed the finger at the community for the ongoing drug epidemic among our people. Sorry Mr. Cosby, but the resources needed to feed an influx of illegal drugs are monopolized by the same forces that denied you a major TV network. One sided views will only get you blindsided by the real knock out blow. Henry Houck, a former NYPD detective, says that Trayvon Martin would be alive today if he didn’t have a “street attitude”. This means that if your Knowledge and Understanding is not passive enough to be manipulated and brutalized, then you deserve to die. Now, as Black men, we must be cautious in how we conduct ourselves when we break the threshold of our homes. If this type of mentality continues to fester in the minds of Americans, Black life will certainly return to the worth of 3/5 of a man as it was at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.


Knowledge Understanding shows the growth and development of the useful information that one acquires through study and experience. Both principles are one and the same only differing in levels of development, much like a father and son. One’s way of life is a learned behavior, however, being able to identify and direct one’s Original customs is paramount. Peace to all!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)