Her Source Motivational Monday:Your Destiny is Tied to Your Relationships

Ever heard the saying: “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are?”

Well, yes, your destiny is indeed linked to your relationships. When you surround yourself with negative and self doubtful energy, ultimately you will give off the same aura.

People can be very draining, especially if you are in the mist of excelling onto bigger heights in life; while they choose to stay stagnated. When I say “people” that pertains to the ones closest to us, such as family, lovers and friends, lets face it.

Understand, that everyone isn’t built like you, nor will they see life for it’s magnificent greatness as you do. People tend to fear what they don’t understand, which leads to their discouraging ways whether it be through their words and/or behavior, and they often don’t even realize it.


All you can do is inspire them to be great through your actions. If their smart, they’ll catch up, but unfortunately some will continue to remain in their “comfortable” situations. No matter what you may see in them. If it isn’t in them to embrace in that talent, you can’t force them. You, on the other hand, Don’t stay back… just move forward.

I’m not saying not to love them or to stop seeing them, but sometimes you have to take a step back and surround yourself with the believers and the doer’s. It is very easy to fall short by becoming a victim to your environment. If you aren’t around people who BELIEVE in striving for the best, then you too may become ‘comfortable’ by thinking that achieving ‘more’ is far fetched.

The journey leading to success is a very crucial point in your life, because you will experience many up and down days. You may even want to give up at some point, and that’s why you need people in your corner who see’s your vision, so that you all can continuously PUSH one another.

Stick close to those who will encourage and motivate you to excel higher….

Never give up!

Written By Bre: iam_bree_