Ron Burgundy To Publish His Memoirs

ron burgundy

Ron Burgundy’s memoirs? By the beard of Zeus!

The world’s greatest movie anchorman is prepping the release to his sequel and the release of his memoirs. On November 19th Ron Burgundy will pen and digitally release his memoirs properly titled Let Me Off At the Top!: My Classy Life and Other Musings .


Burgundy’s book will cover topics such as his childhood and moments that led him to an illustrious anchorman career. He will also discuss some personal stories, the various women in his life, the channel 4 news team and of course his dog Baxter.

Burgundy said this about his book;

“I don’t know if it’s the greatest autobiography ever written. I’m too close to the work. I will tell you this much: the first time I sat down and read this thing… I cried like a goddamn baby, and you can take that to the bank!”

Burgundy’s Let Me Off At the Top!: My Classy Life and Other Musings will be released on November 19th. Burgundy will also star in Anchorman 2 which will hit theaters on December 20th.