Ceej & Retro Su$hi Conclude Two-9 Interview; Talk Producing, Studio Life & More


You guys seem to have stuff done way in advance.

Ceej: Yeah we make a lot of music.


Curtis: A lot of times we just have so much music that when we do stuff like that, we just kind of pick s*** out and throw it in there. Like with Two-9 Forever and the Christmas s***. We just had so much music. I think we only recorded for Two-9 Forever like two songs maybe. We did “Counting”, “They Love It” and that s*** with Tezo

Light Skin: “Now My N****”.

Curtis: Yeah “Now My N****”, four songs other than that all of other s*** was s*** we had been working on.

Ceej: That was the greatest hits. There some pilot music s*** on there, for the very rare, for the very rare fans.

Light Skin: There’s a lot of EP1 on there too.

Curtis: Oh yeah, man salute my n**** Krishawn That’s f***ed up, I didn’t even say him when I was speaking about Half Forgotten. He played a major role in there too. Krishawn.

Ceej: we’re about to make some beats together for you, wassup.

How often do you guys go to the studio?

All: Everyday

Light Skin: To the point where I go up there and be tired of rapping. So serious.

Curtis: I just go up there now, cause I just moved right next to it. So I can walk to the studio now. I just be going there, even if I don’t got no session. I don’t even be knowing the schedule, I’ll text Rod sometime and be like ‘Bruh who recording?’, he’ll be like “You my n****’. I’ll be like “Oh, alright’. Then it’ll be like ten minutes before the session starts, it’ll be at like 12:50. I’ll be like “Rod is anybody at the studio today, I might come up there’ and he’ll be like “Yeah n****, you, at 1.”

Ceej: We try to get organized, but we all end up at the studio damn near every day.

That’s crazy, that’s prolific, that’s crazy. You guys have to start releasing some of that stuff you’ve been cooking up.

Davey: We have so many damn songs lined up that are just unreleased.