New Threads: StayAv8ted

stay Final 4

1. Is it Ralph though?

Mos definitely Ralph. I wouldn’t be caught dead in any USPA lol.


2. You finally got the date with the crush of your life on Valentine’s Day. Who is it? How do you dress on the first date? Where do you take her?

Meagan Fox & Ima dress how I usually dress! Rule #1: never act like you’re something you’re not to impress a female. I’ll take her to Eddie V’s Steak House, then Top Top golf because that’s one of my fav spots at the time, and then hopefully the crib afterwards if I’m lucky enough haha.

3. If you could fight anyone in history, hand to hand, who would you fight?

Karl Malone & John Stockton… I hate those guys STILL til this day.

4. Fill in the blank:

If I never got involved with clothes, I would probably be ___trappin___. I’m happiest when ___it’s money calling___. I’m angriest when ___people bullsh*t me___. It’s always a good time to ___smoke___. My biggest influence in life is ___Malcolm X___.