Shaq Wants You To Help Bring Shaq-Fu Back

Shaq, Shaq-Fu, Video game, Partners, Youtube Are you gonna help bring Shaq-Fu back?

Back in the day, Shaq had a video game (yes, it was terrible) and let’s just say it wasn’t on nobody’s birthday wishlist.

Well, Shaq is back again to re-boot the classic ( his words not mine) game and he wants you to help. Shaq needs $450,000 to make the Shaq Fu: The Legend Reborn.

The way you can help you ask? Well, if you donate $500 dollars to the campaign he will follow you on Instagram for starters. If your feeling real generous and decide to drop $750, you’ll get a personalized Youtube message from the man himself.

The sequel to the 1994 game will be featured on PC and mobile devices. If you want to see the sequel of the game, head to the link and give a donation. If you need some encouragement, check the video below and watch Shaq tell you why this is vital for your gaming needs.

Andrew Somuah(@Drewtheabstract)