Naomi Campbell Led This Year’s United Nations March To End Violence Against Women

Happy International Women’s Day

Naomi Campbell-The SourceSupermodel, Naomi Campbell, puts on her humanitarian hat as she led this year’s United Nations March to end violence against women.

This month is also Women’s History Month and the theme for International Women’s Day is Equality For Women Progress For All. This topic is perfect for today.


She also shed a few tears as she delivered a powerful speech at The UN Women for Peace’s March In March To End Violence Against Women yesterday.

Cindy McCain, Trudy Styler, Ban Soon-Taek, Kim Cattrall, Muna Rihani Al Nasser and Nassir Al-Nasser were the powerful women who joined forces with Naomi as they marched though Manhattan, calling attention to the crusade for global rights and equality for women.

She took to her Twitter and this is what she tweeted out after the event:

thank you was an honor to be #unwomenforpeace).

It takes one woman to lead a nation!

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)