Her Source | 30 Day Health & Wellness Challenge !

Happy Spring! Late? It’s never too late to get some spring cleaning done & here at Her Source we’re just getting started! This week, intern, Lauren, began a 30 Day Health & Wellness challenge which includes a vegan diet, daily exercise and meditation. The goal is to expand the mind, decrease stress & increase confidence. Starting small is understandable, whether that’s taking the stairs instead of the elevator or perhaps drinking more water throughout the week. We encourage you all to join in any way you can! Check out Lauren’s wellness journal entry below!

To begin the challenge I (@lo4o4_) took a trip to Whole Foods which I was sure would cost a lot on my college budget. Surprisingly, my total was way less than I imagined. I purchased a lot of alternatives like almond milk, vegan meats (beyond meat, gardein),  vegan breads and lots of vegetables and fruit.

Two of the products I was most interested in trying were the almond milk and beyond meat. After tasting Almond Breeze’s original almond milk, I realized that I may actually prefer this one to the two percent cow milk that I am more accustomed to. Secondly, Beyond Meat is a product created by energist Ethan Brown who wanted a tasty answer to meat made from plants. At first glance, the beyond meat chicken strips resemble chicken almost completely. The taste is really close, kind of firm, however I doubt I will be purchasing more vegan meat. So far I’ve had better luck just sticking to eating raw fruit and vegetables , along with a lot of water!


Over the course of this 30 days I will explore veganism and physical/mental exercise. To read more about the #30DayVegan Challenge follow me at @lo4o4_ on twitter & @HerSource for daily tips & posts!  Let us know how you will be joining by mentioning @HerSource on twitter with the hashtag #30DaysVegan.  Goodluck!