A member of illustrious Unsigned Hype roster, young Los Angeles emcee KR has been on our radar for sometime now. His deeply personal lyrics, delivered with enough emotion and honesty that it makes doves cry, helps him come across an authentic street poet, who is tough to match. He has never been scared to show the darker sides of his life or touch on the topics that majority of rappers would run away from; this is definitely the case on his latest single “Pray For Me”.
With a touch of Tupac realism, KR paints the struggle of growing up in his rough situation and home. He isn’t asking for guidance, so much as he is begging for divine intervention to help him through this dark period of his life. While it may seem slightly disheartening to listen to such a song, “Pray For Me” turns into a powerful track that could help you through your moments as well. Check it out below.
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Jimi (@Nativejimi)