Listen To The UN As They Do It “For The Love”

unnamed (7)

So there’s a Hip-Hop group called the UN that formed back in 2000. You may have never heard of them but you will after April 15th. Composed of Roc Marciano, Dino Brave, Mike Raw, and Laku, they first appeared on Pete Rock’s 2001 album, Petestrumentals but since haven’t done much as a group due to developing solo careers. They recorded an album on 465 Entertainment about 10 years ago but was not promoted properly, leaving it to crate diggers and Hip-Hop nerds to discover it. But now the project will get the attention it deserves with a re-release on Fat Beats/Frozen Files.

Below is a bonus cut from the UN Or U Out album that will drop 4/15. You can pre-order your copy of the album in your favorite medium HERE. Look out for our review of the album sooner than later as well.


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Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)