Her Source | 30 Day Health & Wellness Challenge

imageIt’s beginning to feel a lot like spring ! Right? Here at Her Source we embarked on a 30 day health and wellness challenge almost a month ago! This week, intern, Lauren, invites you in as she wraps up her trial vegan diet, daily exercise and meditation. The goal was to expand the mind, decrease stress & increase confidence.  She began by taking small steps and you can check out Lauren’s wellness journal entry below!

The #30DaysVegan challenge is coming to an end. Over these past three to four weeks I have learned a lot about myself and my body. For starters fake meat is not my thing. I also do not enjoy working out. On the bright side, I feel much better since beginning the challenge. I discovered ways my eating benefits the world and I’ve also found great vegan restaurants and vegan options at my favorite non vegan restaurants. The experience has been magical.

Over the last two weeks, I tried Terri’s, a vegan restaurant in the financial district THREE times. Yes, it was that good. Like I mentioned before, vegan meats have not been my best friend. However at Terri’s they find a way to make them wholesome, tasty and reminiscent of your meaty favorites. I have also become a huge fan of naked juices which I sometimes substitute for meals.

All in all the experience has been rewarding and I look forward to possibly making it a complete lifestyle. Follow me and twitter and instagram @lo4o4_ for daily tips !