Seattle Mayor Ed Murray Proposes $15 Minimum Wage

Ed MurrayIn what could only be described as the best May Day gift in the history of the holiday, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray announced his proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15. Triumphantly stating that “Seattle Workers are going to get a raise”, his landmark pitch has already garnered the support of 21 out of 25 committee members required to pass it through.

While some business owners are a little nervous about the raise, Murray has developed a plan to make the transition as smooth as possible. If you are big, major business owner, you have three years to get your employees to $15; four if you provide health insurance. Smaller business, with fewer than 500 employees, will have a longer five and seven year phase ins. This means that by 2021, all Seattle workers (non-tip receiving) will be getting at least $15 an hour.

It seems like a good time to plan that trip to the Northwestern Metropolis, they are really progressing things these past few years. Let us know what you think about the situation, are you already packing?


Jimi (@Nativejimi)

Information via Capitol Hill Seattle