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Get in here, ladies!

HerSource & Jones Magazine have teamed up with Pastry Shoes & upcoming rapper ScribeCash to provide you with some cool, free merchandise!


By doing a few simple tasks, you have the chance of winning a set of Pastry Headphones (1), two (2) pairs of shoes- the White Sire Varsity Punk & the White Sugar Rush Boot, & the latest issues of both Jones Magazine & The Source Magazine! So what all do you have to do? Take a look at the rules below:

1. Repost the image below of  brand ambassador Scribe Cash onto your Instagram and Twitter.

2. Like Jones Magazine, Her Source and Pastry Shoes on Facebook.

3. Follow and tag @Jonesmag, @Hersource, @Lovepastry & @Scribecash on Twitter and Instagram.

There will be three winners in total, & the they will be announced in less than two weeks. So what are you waiting for?! Get going!


-Kairi C. (@_findingforever)