Watch Dave Chappelle Tell His Reason For Walking Away From The Limelight To Maya Angelou

“If you’re not angry, you’re either a stone, or you’re too sick to be angry.”

Just last week the world lost a strong-willed, pioneering being that went by the name of Dr. Maya Angelou. She was 86 years old. Retrospectively, during her brief 86 years, Angelou was heavily involved in much of America’s Civil Rights issues. She walked with great leaders: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., James Baldwin, Nelson Mandela, and Malcolm X — to name just a few.


Angelou influenced more than could be written.

Below is a clip from “Iconoclasts.” Back in 2006, after many rumors and speculation regarding his choice to walk away from millions of dollars and fame, Dave Chappelle sat with Dr. Angelou to talk. The two icons discussed how poetry and comedy can bridge both genders and generations. There are vast differences that the duo announce. The differences between them don’t collide, but unite. They both, later, embrace the contrariety of preparation each has when preparing to write with admiration; Angelou in silence, Chappelle with people.

“What used to be a real connection between me and the audience, had become more superficial.” ~ Dave Chappelle

Jamaal Fisher (@jamaalfisher)