Q-Tip Predicts Kevin Durant Comes To The Knicks Next Year If OKC Doesn’t Win 2015 Title

The rumors continue…

Q-Tip is an extraordinary musician, emcee, and visionary, and as of late he’s indirectly tried to add foreshadowy sports journalist to his extensive palette of talents. Beyond correctly predicting LeBron’s return to Cleveland, and claiming–correctly or incorrectly, the entire world is waiting to see–that Carmelo Anthony will remain a New York Knick, the legendary A Tribe Called Quest member says barring the Thunder winning the 2014-2014 NBA Championship, Kevin Durant will be a New York Knick following the upcoming season, in spite of the fact Durant signed a 5-year extension in 2010, and won’t even be a free agent until Summer, 2016.

Still, it’s all very, very interesting.
