Ala Beyonce,  Taylor Swift cryptically announced new album 1989 and single “Shake it Off”, complete with a video this week. When speaking about her new single earlier this week, Swift told Yahoo ” I woke up not wanting but needing to make a new style of music”

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If the catchy pop tune ” Shake it Off” wasn’t already a step outside the norm for our sweet country crooner, the video really shows a new side of her. Images of Swift with a boom box surrounded by break dancers, wearing hoop earrings and booty shorts surrounded by twerking dancers  may have been surprsing for some, but others, like Odd Future rapper Earl Sweatshirt, found it down right offensive.

Earl tweeted:


Haven’t watched the taylor swift video and I don’t need to watch it to tell you that it’s inherently offensive and ultimately harmful.”

“Perpetuating black stereotypes to the same demographic of white girls who hide their prejudice by proclaiming their love of the culture.”

“For instance, those of you are afraid of black people but love that in 2014 it’s okay for you to be trill or twerk or say n****.”

Swift has yet to respond to Earl’s critique. Is the video offensive? You decide.


– Alexandria Tribble  @Y_iouwta