AG Schneiderman Weekly Newsletter Sept. 1-5



September 1 to September 5, 2014


Schneiderman Highlights His Enforcement Of Laws Protecting New York’s Workers

On behalf of New York State’s workforce and in recognition of Labor Day, Attorney General Schneiderman issued a Labor Day report with highlights of his office’s victories enforcing labor laws: Since 2011, his office has recovered over $17 million in restitution to almost 14,000 workers, and returned more than $2 million in restitution and penalties for the state. The Labor Day report, Standing Up For Working New Yorkers, features the results of his ongoing effort to pursue both criminal and civil cases against unscrupulous business owners and bring fairness to workplaces across New York.

Schneiderman Issues Report Highlighting Need To Tackle Climate Change At State Level, Details Environmental Protection Efforts

In a speech at Pace University School of Law, Attorney General Schneiderman released a report that, for the first time, details the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events across New York State and outlined the unique approach his office has taken on environmental issues since 2011. The report, Current And Future Trends In Extreme Rainfall Across New York State, follows a particularly destructive microburst on Long Island just last month – which dumped a record 13.57 inches of rain on the town of Islip – as well several other severe weather events in the Southern Tier, the Capital Region, the North Country and Western New York. While no individual storm can be tied to climate change, the trends in extreme rainfall already being felt across New York State are consistent with scientists’ predictions of new weather patterns attributable to climate change. In turn, the report also emphasized the need to focus on greater resiliency planning and response measures for our infrastructure, neighborhoods and landscape in order to promote a safer and more sustainable New York.

The Attorney General also published an op-ed on The Huffington Post highlighting the need to address the reality of climate change and the real impact that it’s having on New York. The op-ed also discusses the unique efforts his office has taken over the last three years to combat climate change, to make our air and water cleaner and our communities healthier.


Schneiderman Announces Lawsuit Alleging Evans Bank Refused To Make Mortgages Available In Buffalo’s Predominantly African-American Neighborhoods

In Buffalo, Attorney General Schneiderman announced a lawsuit against Western New York-based Evans Bank alleging that the regional bank engaged in unlawful discrimination by “redlining,” or denying access to mortgage loans to predominantly African-American neighborhoods in the City of Buffalo because of the racial composition of those neighborhoods. The lawsuit alleges that Evans has systematically denied its mortgages as well as ATM and other banking services to African-Americans in the Buffalo metro area.

Schneiderman Leads Coalition Against Coal-State Challenge To Federal Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Standards For Power Plants

Leading a coalition of 11 states, the City of New York, and the District of Columbia, Attorney General Schneiderman filed a motion to intervene in a court challenge to a 2010 settlement agreement with the federal Environmental Protection Agency that committed the agency to adopt greenhouse gas emissions standards for new and existing fossil-fuel electric generating power plants. The 2010 settlement agreement is being challenged by a coalition of 12 states, led by West Virginia, many of which are in coal-producing regions.

Schneiderman Secures Conviction Of Electrical Contractors For Not Paying Prevailing Wages On Electrical Work Projects

After detailing his office’s success in protecting working New Yorkers statewide, Attorney General Schneiderman secured yet another victory for workers: He announced the conviction and sentencing of two electrical contractors, who failed to pay more than $250,000 in legally owed wages in workers on two public works projects throughout New York City.  The defendants are also prohibited from working on public works projects for five years.

Schneiderman Indicts Long Island Nurse On Charges Of Attempting To Cover Up Morphine Overdose Of Patient

Attorney General Schneiderman indicted a Long Island-based licensed practical nurse who accidentally caused the morphine overdose of a wheelchair-bound resident and then attempted to cover it up, even after the resident was taken to the hospital. The resident was fortunately revived following a dose of naloxone, the opiate overdose antidote. If convicted, the defendant faces up to 4 years in prison.

Schneiderman And DiNapoli Announce Guilty Plea In $110,000 Health Contract Theft

With State Comptroller DiNapoli, Attorney General Schneiderman announced the felony guilty plea of former Department of Health contract employee George Dunkel for padding his bills and stealing more than $110,000 from the state. This plea is just the latest in the Attorney General’s fight against public corruption: Since 2011, his office has aggressively prosecuted over 50 individuals in public corruption cases, including a sitting state senator, a current member of the New York City Council, and elected officials from both parties across New York State.

In Other News…

With Primary Day around the corner, Attorney General Schneiderman encouraged any voter who encounters an obstacle at the polls to report it to his office’s Election Day hotline. Voters will be able to call 800-771-7755 or email at any time between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Election Day.

Attorney General Schneiderman voiced his support for the fast food workers nationwide who went on strike on Thursday, standing up for their right to a living wage as well as their right to join a union.

Attorney General Schneiderman praised CVS Health for pulling all tobacco products from its shelves a month before the self-imposed deadline. He also called on other nationwide pharmacies to follow suit, putting health before corporate profits.

The Attorney General also applauded the organizers of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade for taking a “strong first step forward in the fight for justice and equality” by lifting a previous ban on gay groups participating in the march.

He also expressed his condolences to all those grieving the loss of Rochester Police Officer Daryl Pierson, who was tragically shot and killed in the line of duty.

Attorney General Schneiderman was proud to march in Buffalo’s Labor Day Parade earlier this week.

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Posted by Charles and Randy Fisher (Twitter / Facebook / Instagram @HHSYC).