Her Source | #ManCrushMonday: Bobby Wagner

Her Source recognizes NFL player Bobby Wagner.

In this edition of Man Crush Monday, we acknowledge Seattle Seahawks linebacker Bobby Wagner, just in time for the start of the NFL season.  This Cali native has been compared to another NFL player, Reggie Bush, because of his looks–and let’s just say we agree with the critics.  Wagner just won his first Super Bowl last year, as he & his team faced off against the Denver Broncos.

Bobby Wagner is our #MCM, because let’s face it he’s irresistibly hot, he has a nice body & smile, and for those of you who aren’t moved by his hotness, he’s a Cancer, which means that he is loving, faithful, and protective.  So, ladies, if you’re looking for a man that is willing to be your ride or die, this would be the perfect man for you.  Hey boo!


Bobby Wagner-The Source

Bobby Wagner-The Source

Ladies, you can follow the sexy linebacker on both Twitter and Instagram at @bwagz54.  Keep it cute, though.  No scary stalker stuff.

Matia is on Twitter (@ms_hip_hop) and she’s probably staring at Bobby Wagner’s avi.