White Lesbian Couple Are Suing Sperm Bank After Getting Impregnated By Black Sperm Donor…Accidentally

Two women are appalled by an irreversible mistake

Making the decision to become impregnated by a sperm donor–which is often someone the recipient has never met–is, by nature, a sensitive and delicate situation. Choosing race, background, nationality and several other qualifying characteristics takes some people/couples months, sometimes years to decide on.  That being said, accidentally being impregnated by a set of sperm other than the set of sperm you’ve pre-selected, things can get pretty traumatizing.

That’s the case of Jennifer Cramblett, 36, and Amanda Zinkon, 29, a Caucasian lesbian couple from Ohio. Cramblett and Zinkon pre-selected a Caucasian set of sperm from a Chicago sperm bank two years ago, but they learned from an employee at the sperm back after the insemination that Cramblett had accidentally been given the sperm of an African-American donor. Their daughter, Payton, is 2 years old, and though Cramblett and Zinkon make it clear that they love their daughter very much, they admittedly had feelings of “anger, disappointment and fear” upon learning of the mix-up.


Cramblett had this to say about the unfortunate situation:

How could they make a mistake that was so personal? They took a personal choice, a personal decision and took it on themselves to make that choice for us out of pure negligence.

The couple, now mothers of one, are seeking $50,000 in damages. There has been no official comment from the sperm bank. The following is a picture of Payton.