Man Sentenced To Four Years In Prison After Killing Friend Who Poked His Wife On Facebook

Facebook pokes ain’t nothing to f*** with

Scott Humphrey, a 27-year old Englishman, has been sentenced to just over 4 years in prison because he punched his friend, Richard Rovetto, who eventually died from the injuries he sustained. Why, you ask? Rovetto poked Humphrey’s wife on Facebook.

For those that missed the last decade, poking on Facebook is the digital version of walking past the barbershop, or the deli, and nodding your head or tipping your hat at somebody inside, because you see them every evening on your walk home and it’s to the point where it’s rude not to acknowledge them. Some people use them as their lead into an actual conversation, some see it is a flirtation device. Either way, it’s nothing serious. You can’t even attach a message.


That being said, to say Humphrey had to be dealing with some serious insecurities to flat-out punch someone he considered his friend because he poked his wife on Facebook isn’t very far-fetched. In fact, Humphrey “repeatedly punched” Rovetto on the sidewalk, according to a The Mirror report.

Humphrey allegedly asked “Rovetto If you’re such a good friend why did you poke my missus?” during the beating.
