Luke Christopher is the one to watch out for in 2015. The 21 year old rapper/singer sat down with The Source magazine to discuss few of his plans and his mixtape that he just recently put out entiled TMRW TMRW PT 2 which was over all a very polished project. This only makes you think what his studio album will actually sound like. As Luke is an all around artist so from song writing to rapping to producing, he has it all under control. Whilst interviewing him I got this sense of calm and focused vibe. With his latest project doing well, the ByStorm Entertainment/RCA signee is all set for 2015.

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1. For those who are still discovering your music could you tell them a little about yourself?

L: I’ve been making music for five years, I produce, rap and sing. I try to make timeless music. I’m from LA.


2. What is your first love? rapping/signing or production?

L: It’s definitely equal across all boards.

3. Your mixtape TMRW TMRW PT II, has some notable tracks like “Up with the birds” “Million more” “energy” What were your expectations for the project?

L: I wanted to make a project that would stand out. Even though it’s free, I wanted it to be all original, feel like an album. We really wanted to make dope original songs like an album and give it away for free.

4. Do you think the fans have embraced the mixtape the way you wanted them to?

L: Even more so than we expected. It kinda caught fire, it’s been awesome watching fans embrace it and people be excited about it.

5. You produced the entire TMRW TMRW PT II by yourself with the added production from other producers that includes Shlomo. How is it like working with him?

L: It was cool. I heard the track that he did “places” that I sampled, I wanted to re-create it and thought it should be more than just an instrumental so I made it into a song.

6. You have also collaborated with Common on a track called “Sex With You”. what was it like working with Common? and the process behind that track.

L: It was amazing. He’s been one of my mentors looking after me. To have one of your idols jump on a track is pretty crazy. It was dope to hear his voice even on a track I made.

7. Your Single “Life Jackets” from your upcoming album is doing very well and  you’re all set to release your studio album early next year. What is your vision for your album? Can the fans expect some surprise features on it?

L: “Life Jackets” is a warm up single, with “Holy Water” being the real single. The album will be pretty crazy, as far as vision I want it to be a breath of fresh air so it makes an big impact. As for features, I’m trying to keep it raw and authentic so they get that directness so unless a feature adds something special to the project it’ll remain as is.

8. Any plans for touring?

L: We’ve been doing a lot of college shows and we’re planning something more solid for the end of the year.

9. Through out 2014 you have constantly been putting out good name a few..”Champgne Rain” “The Boy is here” How would you describe your jounrey in terms of how much you have grown as an artist.

L: I’ve grown a lot. A part of being an artist is growing and re-inventing oneself. There’s been a ton of momentum and at the same time a lot of feedback. You want to give people the music directly so you can inspire them.

10. “The Boy Is Here” was directed by Todd Strickland. What is your relationship like with him.

L: He’s my man. He’s helped us a lot, he’s one to watch as we come up.

11. If I was to turn on your iPod right now what would I find you bumping these days?

L: A lot of old hip-hop. James Blake, The Beatles, Frank Ocean, early Kanye, Mos Def, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson.

Show some love and check out his latest project TMRW TMRW PT II below:

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