Listen To A Ridiculous Unreleased Kendrick Lamar Verse, Courtesy Of Flying Lotus

The potent duo have another record that’s never coming out

This summer, Flying Lotus teamed up with Kendrick Lamar for the first single off his latest album, You’re Dead!. At the time, Kendrick had been scarcely heard from all year, “i,” wasn’t out, there was no talk of “King Kunta” and certainly no radio interviews. It was billed as Kendrick’s unofficial comeback, and it was a good one. The equally good video was released soon after, and Kendrick proceeded to focus on the release of “i,” and gearing up for his sophomore album, which will more than likely be released in 2015. However, there is another song that Lotus and Kendrick did, “Eyes Above,” that will never see the light of day due to “political” issues, but that doesn’t stop Lotus from playing it live during performances. In the video above, Lotus plays the unreleased “Eyes Above” Kendrick verse that sounds every bit as ridiculous as “Never Catch Me.”
