It’s all about the money.
Last week, Kim Kardashian “Broke The Internet” when Paper Magazine released her fully nude spread from their upcoming issue, sparking debate about public decency, ethics and more. Regardless of which side of the coin your opinion falls under, there is no debating that Kim and the Kardashian clan enjoyed another week of dominating the headlines. With that said, Kim wasn’t the only one enjoying the fruits of her labor. Singer and Love And Hip-Hop star Ray J pocketed a cool $50,000 last week since the release of the photos. According to Business Insider, sales of Ray J and Kim’s 2003 sex tape went through the roof last week as a direct result of the Paper Mag’s spread. The article further expounds that the “I Hit It First” singer usually rakes in roughly $90,000 every 3 months from the tape’s circulation.
The cash is sweet, but Ray J has even more reasons to be a happy man considering that as of last week, Kim K: Superstar is officially the highest grossing celebrity sex tape of all time, surpassing Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee’s 1995 romp session. In 2007, Kim received a lump sum of $5 Million from adult film company Vivid Entertainment, giving them the rights to the tape, Ray J on the other hand, opted to take back end residual income from future sales.
Say what thou whilst, but Ray J is most definitely winning.
Wondering “where hip hop at?”, don’t worry we got you covered, check out this video from the 1st Annaul Source 360 Unsigned Hype Contest below