Washington’s First Legal Piff Auction Saw Firewood Farms Tipping the Scales

With so many United States’ citizens  voting for the legal right to smoke marijuana, the days of backdoor dealings are soon to become a distant memory.  In Pressor, Washington, the nations’ first weed auction took place on a farm one cold weekend in November 2014.  


Washington state’s first legal weed auction took place at an aptly named, Firewood Farms, November 2014.


Bidders and sellers were a bit different than the usual market dwellers passing bud back and forth under the radar of law enforcement.  In fact, proceedings were monitored by the state’s liquor control board.  Sellers at this event were not middle men but Firewood Farms’ actual owner who was overjoyed to have a chance to unload his harvest in bulk.  Just think about the time saved on merely bagging some 300 pounds of dried marijuana!

Bidders were also unusual in that they weren’t looking for a personal high.  They were instead state-licensed retailers.  While some buyers didn’t appreciate not being able to perform a smoke test at the event to grade potency, others made purchases  based on a trusted potency grade list created and distributed by Washington-certified laboratory, Confidence Analytics.  The informative list helped Firewood Farms earn an estimated $600,000.  Most buyers found credibility in the list that provided labeling requirements, dates of potency testing and a potency profile.

Farm owner, Randy Williams, donated $14,000 of his profit to a local school district.

Doprah No Filtah is always watching her surroundings for smoke signals while listening to some mind-blowing underground hip hop.  Follow her on Twitter @SNSNightlifeMag.

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