Dom surfaces in the winter for the 2nd year straight
Until his Get Home Safely campaign, Dom Kennedy was warm weather’s go-to guy. Whether it was 2011’s The Original Dom Kennedy and From The Westside With Love II, or 2012’s The Yellow Album, Dom Kennedy supplied the soundtrack for cookouts and pool parties on a consistent basis. However, things have changed slightly, and after last year’s Get Home Safely was released in October, and today we have new music from the L.A. native just days before Christmas. Dom’s new record, “Represent,” is produced by frequent collaborator J.LBS, and it has a familiar bounce to it. As usual, Dom gets off his witty lines–“Both my parents black but you can still call me papi”–as he raps about his lifestyle for just under 4 minutes. Though this new music didn’t come with the official announcement of a new mixtape or album, we imagine that time is coming sooner than most think.
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