Watch This Man Pull Off The Most Polite Stick-Up Of All-Time

“If I ever get back on my feet, I’ll bring it back”

Security camera footage from a gas station captures a man in a mini-mart, paying for something pretty inexpensive, and then brandishing a gun and asking the cashier to “empty the till” and place all the money on the counter. He must not have been very convincing to the cashier, because he actually asks the gunman ‘why,’ and the gunman explains that he has to feed his kids and he’s got rent to pay. The cashier didn’t really push his luck much further and gave up the cash, and before making his escape, the gunman apologizes for his actions, and promises that if he ever gets back on his feet, he’ll bring the money back.

Shortly after the incident, the gunman, who was in his 50’s, was arrested and eventually plead guilty to robbery.