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Campbell’s We TV spot highlighted a very rough time in her marriage

Tina Campbell, known to the world as one-half of the gospel-and-blues duo Mary Mary–“Shackles,” “God In Me”–stars in Mary Mary, a We TV reality show that highlights the personal life of the gospel star, along with her husband Terry Campbell, and the other half of Mary Mary, Tina’s sister Erika-Atkins Campbell.


In the trailer for the 4th season of the show, a major moment came when the clip revealed Terry Campbell’s trashed car, which was reportedly a product of a fit of Tina Campbell’s rage, which came after Terry admitted to having several extra-marital affairs.

“We had some days that were really bad, and the car is a clear indication of a very bad day. It was my car and she thought I could have been riding around town with another women in the car, which wasn’t the case. My wife in her pain wanted to hurt me.”

It was VladTV that reported that the true story behind the trashed vehicle is that Tina took a gun to the car in her anger, and literally unloaded on the car’s windshield and body. No one was inside the car at the time.

You can watch the full trailer above. The new season debuted on March 5.


  • Tammy Flair says:

    He is still a HOE he’s not fighting for his family, he’s fighting to keep your checks coming in girl.

    • desia says:

      Leave him he only want you for your money

    • Richard W. says:

      Are you serious? Regardless if her husband is a “Hoe” or not. She took a gun and emptied the clip into it.

    • Shelley says:

      I didn’t want to pass judgement, but it certainly seems that way to me too. Looking at him on the show, he doesn’t seem very genuine. God Bless their union.

      • Elicia says:

        You can’t judge his true character off of watching him for an hour each week. Did it ever occur to you that some of these men are uncomfortable having a camera in his face while he’s admitting infidelity? The Campbell family know this man personally and have forgiven him so why are you all so quick to judge and crucify him for his mistakes. If that condemnation were universal, most of us wouldn’t be able to sit here reading and writing these posts, we’d be out in the world trying to redeem ourselves for all the stupid stuff we do. No sin is greater than another in God’s eyes.

    • Shut you know what he’s fighting for. ..It’s people like you that will get someone killed worth your negative in puts..ughhhh If you’re not married you want began to understand the thing married people put up with. .Work it out Tina and Terry..I’m married and I understand the pain you was in I’ve been through similar situation so if it’s worth fighting for fight. .if the good out easy the bad fight for your marriage. ..May God bless. .

      • Arlene says:

        I don’t usually watch nonsense like this. Marriage is an intimate union a three fold. God and the couple. Does this union on national tv truly reflect who the Father is?? Did the Most High God tell her to shoot up the car?? And b) what ever God gives doesn’t come with burdens. He said He “would never give us more than we can bare .”Anger to that degree does not come from the Father! Acting out in anger like that is a weapon of distraction.

        • Gizerlee says:

          If she can Lose Control Like that and shoot up his car without even allowing the Conscious of God which should be in her than she can lose it and shoot HIM…

          • God is in total control of Tina Campbell and sometimes God allows us to go through storms to save someone else or put us in the place God would have us to be. As people of God it is not our job to be judgemental. Its our responsibility to be uplifting. As men and women of God we all fall short daily, but its not the fall that counts its getting back up doing better and sharing how God still forgive, save, and restore. Never say what you will not do. God is in total control he allows things that that we may not understand, but he still is in control. Remember God is a god of love.

        • Yasmine says:

          Man you are too deep perfect one. My God so you telling me you have never had a moment where you were weak! That does not mean we are not God’s children, it means we fall short sometimes. The only difference between Tina and you is exposure to the media. Obviously your oops days or weak moments are not broadcast so no one will ever know your down falls, except for God. He without sin cast the first stone. Oooops I’m sorry, you’re not perfect neither. Pray instead of casting your stone and let God do the rest.

      • krissy says:

        So , are we going to play like we don’t see a man using a woman? Really, he needs that money to keep flossn. He is dirty and don’t help her hurt.

    • Michelle says:

      When have black women in particular become so desparte for a man? WHERE THEY DO THAT AT???? Black woman wake up once a lyer always a lyer I guess black women have truly become DOGGISH!!!! Or men the bible also say “in the last days women will be DOGGISH over MEN!!!” and “Men will be lovers OF THEMSELVES” not of women but of THEMSELVES” ….all they want is your MONEY…..I DON’T BLAME OPRAH….that’s how u handle men…….

      • Gwen says:

        What do you mean “black women in particular”? You make it sound as if this is new! Unfaithfulness has been prevalent since the biblical days and many women, of any race, sometimes decides to give their marriage a second chance. I don’t call Tina’s situation desperate at all. She’s a married woman to a man with whom she’s been with for over a decade and have children with. Everyone is different! I don’t know if I would have stayed or not, but to call her desperate is being very judgmental! Are you married? Have you been in this exact situation? Probably not!!! Oh, and the correct spelling is “LIAR”…not “lyer”! Smh #yeahyouprobablydonthaveaman

    • Shirlean Santos says:

      Yep!! Stupid women make me sick! Let him GO!!! HE CHEATING WITH MEN NOT WOMEN! EITHER OR KICK HIM TO THE CURB! HE TORE UP! ITS THE money!

    • Shaun says:

      This is true, Tammy, and I agree with you 100%, but what does all of this say about Tina? Why would a woman continue to stay with a man who habitually and serially cheats on her and allow the situation to disintegrate to this level? Where’s her self-esteem? And is she also fighting to keep the checks coming in? They’ve got something like 6 children together and what’s really sad is that those kids are being adversely affected and exploited as well and all for the sake of stardom, money, and notoriety. She is as complicit in this as the husband is and now guns are involved. If somebody doesn’t leave, the next headline we’ll be reading is “Mary Mary singer in jail for murder” or “Mary Mary singer dead after altercation with cheating husband.” If not for herself, she should end the relationship for the sake of her kids.

    • God in me says:

      It is always black woman like you that always like to see other woman down. I bet you don’t have a man. You are sitting behind this computer judging a woman you do not know. She forgave her husband so why it is any of your business to say such mean things about Tina.

    • Krissy says:

      i agree

  • Kdkash says:


  • Shay says:

    She needs to just leave him alone if being with him makes here act out in this way she needs to let go and let god it not a d***k in the world worth loosing my sanity over I think she is a drama queen and just like the attention they started this show out good now is just seems like they sold there soul for ratings I will not be watching this show all realty shows are full of drama and ppl, do anything to get ratings and I’m just sad to see she allows this to continue and drag her children along for her stupid ride and nobody is standing up for these kids that will one day see this going on kids aren’t stupid

  • lillian says:

    She was an emotional wreck. And he wasn’t in the car hell she is human!

  • Cheryl says:

    His name is Teddy..not Terry!

  • aaron easley says:

    I pray for you guys to refresh your marriage and get aligned with GOD

  • chevalier Caldwell says:

    She needs to be in jail, there is no cheating worth shooting at the person or their car she is not saved and do not belong to Christ she fake, how you gone right songs and sang gospel songs but act like that..

  • BDAG says:


  • Joyce says:

    I truly wish Mary Mary did not go on air. Tina worships man and she is a rotten selfish mess. I am done with the show and their music. She is all about self, seeing her in action isn’t helping no one better their lives, especially young women striving to be çhristians.

  • Joyce says:

    I truly wish Mary Mary did not go on air. Tina worships man and she is a rotten selfish mess. done with the show and their music. She is all about self, seeing her in action isn’t helping no one better their lives, especially young women striving to be çhristians. I’m totally hurt, I have all their music but would no longer support them because of Tina. I will pray for them but I am done now I need prayer because of how I feel!

  • Angela Jones says:

    It is painful when your spouse commits adultery! When you feel uncontrollable emotions surfacing, it would be wise to remove yourself from the situation. The mercy and grace in this situation is that she took her anger out on the car. Exodus 20.

  • Where can I buy those colorful jeans Tina wore when they did a concert in cali

  • Remain in character even when the devil comes at you to ‘try’ to break your spirit. Forgive that man just like Christ forgives us time and time again. What God has put together let NO man (woman) tear it apart. My prayers are with your family for healing, love, trust and peace.

  • She forgave him and stayed with him I love her for that….better the car than him…..she had to get the anger out….I wish them all the best

  • Dominique says:

    Well, first I will say his name is Teddy! T-E-D-D-Y, not Terry.

    Anyway, not condoning anything but, people have their own way of dealing with things, and that was her way. She was angry (as she stated). Is he truly apologetic?? Only time will tell. But, I’m sure he won’t try it again! This time was the car, next time well….

    Btw, “the Source “, wouldn’t it make more sense to put this out there maybe BEFORE the episode aired, and people were able to see the entire story?? Ijs

  • Life can be so are a bueatiful, talented and exstreamly successful women. Please don’t allow anyone the appotunity to reduce you. The work that you have done speaks volumes about your love for Christ, nothing any Man ,Women, boy,or girl can prove otherwise be Blessed trust God,keep the Faith, trust God He can and will handle the rest.
    Continued Blessings

  • This story is circulating around social media as if it just happened. My heart goes out to her because there is obviously a significant degree of pain and damage that has been done. The family may want to consider family therapy because the actions are too extreme, if this story is true. Anger is a secondary response that is often fueled by the fear of something. Cheating is not acceptable, but neither is violence. This act, if true…is a prelude into what can really happen if the marriage is unstable. Sometimes, individual therapy is needed by both if the marriage is going to stand a chance. If two people are not equally vested then it will continue to yield the same results. Get rid of the gun and don’t get another one. When arguing, stay away from any weapon because the family will be at risk for removal of children as domestic violence is child abuse and of course injury to another person could equal jail time. The pain of losing an emotional connection to someone you love can be traumatic…can create emotions similar to loss by death.

  • jay says:

    she is still crazy for ding this

  • Leslie C Ford says:

    Where is GOD in what you guys do…To GOD be the glory in all we do…you guys need yo just stop…because you guys are a stumbling block…ijs

  • Mario says:

    How irresponsible, what is stray bullet went through the windshield, through the garage door and into the head of a child riding her bike past their house….

  • Girl you are a child of God let God handle it I see in a comment that someone said that he’s fighting to keep them checks well if he was he wouldn’t have cheated if he was worried about the money real talk

  • Why would he cheat on a beautiful, saved woman like that? I don’t blame her for what she did. He should be glad she didn’t shoot him.

  • David BKing says:

    The number one reason why people don’t become christians is because of christians we supposed to be
    equipped to handle these
    The world shoots up cars & damages property not us.
    if we act like they act then would they want to follow
    Christ if we are representatives of Jesus then let up
    conduct ourselves as such !!
    (I am talking to myself too ….)

  • Marvin Gilkyatf says:

    I really feel bad for both parties. This is now public and people will set out and judge. Both have relationship with God. They need to put this in his hand before anything goes any further. God be with them

  • When has black woman in particular r so desperate for a man REALLY?? Once a lie and a cheat will always be one…..the bible say “men will be lovers of themselves” not women but themselves….”women will be DOGGISH over men” God didn’t say be stupid once the ” marriage bed is defiled” that’s your grounds for divorce….STUPID!!!! Women like Tina pay for their men mistresses and what THEY WANT….SHE WOULD BEEN BETTER OFF WITH NED THE WINEO ON GOOD TIMES…….CHILD BYE!!!!!!

  • Mikaela says:

    This article is all based upon ASSUMPTIONS because if you actually watched the show you would know his name is Teddy. So if your going to make ACCUSATIONS at least spell the man name correctly.

  • Felicia says:

    Where is the God in her now?

  • bray b says:

    I use to respect Mary Mary…I kno peop r human to but Tina…some one that sing for God has many issues. Real talk

  • Dana says:

    That’s why we don’t put our faith in man alone but in God. She is doing what she is supposed to do but God will repay baaaaabaayy

  • yes ma'am says:

    His name is Teddy not Terry. Wow! Great reporting. NOT!

  • Ebony says:

    When is all this madness going to stop? Why fight for someone who’s not fighting for you?

  • FT says:

    Dear Journalist,
    His name is Teddy and not Terry!
    Thank you.

  • wonderfulmom says:

    No one can judge her she believes in god and she standing by her husband

  • Once a playa always a playa

  • Kathleen says:

    She did what many spurned lovers do;strike out in anger..nothing new..same old story..

  • freejack says:

    If guns get involved its time to end it and if she want to work it out and hes welling to forget BOOM!!!!

  • Nickola J Butts says:

    As salaamu alaikum gm, sis Tina, don’t know your husband like you personally, but I’ve been with” him” unfortunately too many times. He’s a opportunist and prays on genuine love. I will pray for you! “Always smiles”

    • edi1980 says:

      I see everyone keeps referring to God as if just because she is an christian she is not entitled to lash out. E ALL SIN AND FALTER! Especially following something so devastating. She decided to forgive her husband as the bible instructs. And for all of you JUDGING her and quoting the bible…….Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Allow cameras in your homes and see how easily you too can be judged!

  • As salaamu alaikum gm, sis Tina, don’t know your husband like you personally, but I’ve been with” him” unfortunately too many times. He’s a opportunist and prays on genuine love. I will pray for you! “Always smiles”

  • rocky says:

    Girlfriend it’s time to let him goooo,your beautiful move on why stay sad when you can be happy,you and your kids that’s all that matter tell that man,boy bye

  • In no way do I condone cheating. I am vehemently against men cheating on their women. It’s the nature of my work to speak against such activity.

    I must say that it only adds to the legitimacy of a story when the writer gets the main character’s names right. The husband’s name is Teddy Campbell and not Terry Campbell. He doesn’t get a pass for cheating either way, but the writer should fact check to avoid making such critical errors as consistently misspelling names.

  • laqueana says:

    He clearly don’t want to be married. She clearly deserves better. Just saying. Tina is too powerful and beautiful.

  • deeorr says:

    Wow..I’ve done worse than that..if a man has to cheat he’s not respecting careful do it once will do it over and over

  • alexis says:

    Put his or her maybe both on she’s a homewrecker/ he’s a homewrecker .com

  • Karisha says:

    I really don’t believe him. I don’t believe he’s done messing around. Maybe for now, but not for much longer! Iiiiiiiii don’t know though. I could be wrong!

  • Tina Noone says:


  • d money says:

    She looks very fuckable

  • SIS PAM says:

    I applaud Tina and Erica, first , Tina for getting exposed to the world. Godexposing her to herself to see the ugliness in a godly woman . to give her back the love , peace and undersading that she needed and beautiful support of family . She has turned my feeling around about her as a person who is not perfect but forgiven . I thank her for her honesty ,thingshappenfor a reason. Next song should be titled{ IT had to Happen.}Thanks to Erica for seeing love and support of a sister who not always agreed with Tina but in spite of it all., did what she had to do!! Stay encouraged ,Blessed and keep stirring up those wonderful Gifts .

  • You sound like you need a man…..jus sayin

  • He doesn’t have a place in your heart and he doesn’t deserve it gal. Look after ur kids and move on girlfriend. I love ❤ all of u gals.Joyce

  • Mona says:

    Wish her alot of luck!!!! Been through all of that and the outcome was divorce. Hallelujah!!! I understand her pain and love for her husband. When it’s time to let Teddy go she will. Blessings to their marriage

  • Slick Vic says:

    once a creep, always a creep……….no excuse in the world for his behavior / conduct. Some may turn a blind eye to one indiscretion – but this dude had multiple. Gross.

  • Say whaa? says:

    Why are yall saying it’s about the money???? Teddy is paid! He’s a known musician and is currently the drummer for American Idol! Lol he doesn’t need her $$$$ and just because she “had the nerve to be hurt” Lol doesn’t mean she’s not a Christian! Christ was pissed and wrecked up a church turning tables and what not! Haaaaaaaaaa

  • Chella says:

    I say leave her crazy ass..obviously because she still with her mAn shooting up his car.. I would make her pay for the damage on my car too. With her no self esteem, ass no way in hell will I forgive any man for cheating.. That’s her first mistake right there.. I am leaving especially if I got kids, my kids are going to witness a unhealthy fam.. no way are you going to drive me insane because you aren’t honest.. I have 3 friends right now that I lost respect for because of this , they are so insecure that they stay with there cheating husbands… Slow Weak ass woman ..

  • Carolyn says:

    Thinking…is she staying because of ALL of their children? And, if they split, she knows she will have to PAY ALIMONY! Although it’s none of anyone’s business, I’m sure she understands that the BIBLE has already excused her to divorce (infadelity/death). Obviously, she has chosen to deal. My prayer is for their innocent children!

  • aa says:

    She clearly lobes her man she needs some one on one counseling and for her and hubby. Watching the video she seem angry. Doesn’t look healthy. Best of luck I hope they can work things out

  • Bryant says:

    Anyone that is on this page defending what this woman did is in need of help. First, IF YOU ARE A BORN AGAIN BELIEVER, why would you become unequally yoked with a cheater. SHE KNEW he was not walking as a believer when she met him, BUT she married him anyway. The world is laughing at all these so called CHRISTIAN reality shows. I am not judging, but stating a fact…when I became a Christian, I PUT AWAY ALL MY CHILDISH THINGS. I AM SERIOUS ABOUT MY CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE, and with the turn of these worldly events, I would recommend each of you get serious as well…..I’M JUST SAYING.

  • Harold says:

    I’m not sure what good can be derived from reality TV shows. I just stopped watching them and have started watching lectures by our esteemed historians and scholars, i.e., Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Neely Fuller, Jr., Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Umar Johnson, Dick Gregory and Dr. Phil Valentine to name a few.

    Not that I’m more aware or above anyone who enjoys the Scandals, Empire’s, and the vast variety of reality programs but by delving into enlightened black thinkers, I have a clearer grasp of how the shows program negative dysfunctional behaviors.

    I would encourage you to perhaps look up some of the aforementioned scholars and check out their work(s) and lectures.

  • Sha says:

    1st of all Tina and Teddy have been married for 14 years!! That’s LOVE. & Got how many kids?? For you PERFECT Christians; Jesus said “He which is without SIN cast the first STONE”. Maybe Jesus is using her to restore the foundation of MARRIAGE.

  • Elicia says:

    It’s funny how everyone has an opinion on how this man Teddy feels about his wife of 13 years. None of you live day to day inside of their household so how can you judge how much he loves his wife off of watching him for an hour for 13 episodes? And as for you so called Christians on here preaching about how Tina should have been more Godly and not reacted, remember she is not Christ, she is still a human being and a wife and mother who was hurt beyond belief. It has also been cleared that she used a hammer to make the holes as she does not own a weapon. The reality is that they let us into their lives to show us that despite their fame, they too have trials and tribulations in their lives and they are going to lilive their lives the way they are despite your opinions. Now get off of your almighty high horses and move on because I’m sure most of you have been there done that and if not is still may happen to you, how you deal with it is your business