CT Emcee Franc Grams Coordinates The 5th Annual New London Youth Talent Show

Franc Grams gives back to his New London, CT community by putting together the town’s annual talent show

Despite his rising career, Franc Grams has not missed a beat when in comes to philanthropy in his hometown of New London, Connecticut. He recently returned to coordinate the “New London Youth Talent Show”, now in its fifth year.

Originally created following the brutal slaying of resident Matthew Chew, Grams has taken the lead in growing the annual event. Held at the Garde Arts Center, the showcase featured the New London High School Marching Band, performances from over 60 community youth as well as a remix of Selma’s Academy Award winning “Glory” from Eric Jones and Grams himself.


“We can’t change the past, but we can change the future,” a passionate Grams explained to attendees.