The Ever Enigmatic Emcee, Appleby, Returns With “Bitter Boy”

The enigmatic Chicago rapper Appleby is at it again with his new song “Bitter Boy.”  The nonchalant artist has still gone against the norms by keeping his face in absolute obscurity. He has said in the past that he may reveal his face at some point, but, until then, he wants his music to do all the speaking for him.

On this new track, he does exactly that. With only a small tracklist available to date, he continues to impress us with music that is nice on the ears.

Despite being someone who hasn’t shown face, or put out a barrage of songs, he was able to catch the ears of heavyweights in the music industry, including Russell Simmons and Amir Abbassy (aka @blamethelabel, who was featured in our April/May 2015 edition of The Source, in our “Taster’s Choice” column; grab it on newsstands now!).


Listen to Appleby’s “Bitter Boy” below.


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