The god is droppin gems!
Shallah Raekwon sits with All Def Digital and gives us insight on the music business today, the value of having a solid team, making original music that comes from the heart, and of course, being a member of the marvelous WU.
He dropped some pretty good gems for us to pick up and respect. Having confidence and a focused set of people run with you is vital in the rap game. The chef reiterates how a solid and united group of individuals is beneficial because of the support within, and many of us can agree that things are easier to accomplish that way. Up- and- coming artists and producers should definitely take notes!
When you have a team, you feel ten times more powerful because you’re not doing it alone, and that’s how we always felt; we could beat the world, it was us against them
– Raekwon
He also speaks on his latest project, Fly International Luxurious Art, which is his 6th studio album. Get to know Rae a little better and why he went this route for F.I.L.A, which in my opinion, is crazy dope.
Make sure you cop that F.I.L.A album on itunes and support quality sh*t!
Follow ya girl on IG & Twitter @Evie_Blanco