Natural Is The New Beautiful

With the biggest trend in hair care being to go natural and embrace those natural curls and locs of yours, it’s essential to have the right products to enhance and show off any natural look. With going natural, you have the challenge of making sure every curl is hydrated, elongated, and defined. But the struggle becomes figuring out which products work best with your hair and hair type.

It’s no secret that natural hair is definitely a hassle, and adds that extra stress of crossing your fingers and hoping that twist out you did the night before comes out perfectly. But, besides those minor hassles, the look of natural hair is flawless and perfect for the summer weather. It’s all about embracing your natural self, because natural is the new beautiful. But, in order to attain the best natural looks it all starts with the perfect product.




You start to wonder what product will give you the best shine and hydration without weighing your curls down. Because you’re tired of having a flawless curl pattern only for it to be foreshadowed by dry dulling hair due to lack of moisture. But, the best way to combat dry hair is by sealing in the moisture after your co washes. Try using natural oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, or black castor oil. These oils are sure to seal in your hairs moisture from washes and add the right amount of shine.



When curl definition is your biggest issue, it turns into a pain to rock your natural curls simply because they aren’t defined. You want your curls and curl pattern to be noticed or else it simply just looks like a big untamed afro. So the best products to use for defining your curls is the Cantu line of products that offer shine, curl definition, and custards to bring out your natural curl pattern.



The biggest pain when it comes to natural hair is dealing with shrinkage. It’s the big fake out you get when you realize that as your hair dries your curls shrivel up only to appear as though your once long flawless curls have disappeared. But with every issue their is a resolution that comes way of Au Natural Hair products.  They have dedicated a whole line to help all naturalistas fight the battle of shrinkage.






Photo Credit(s): Amazon,Blackgirllonghair,Buzzfeed.