With the NBA regular season officially underway, here’s a reason of why NBA fans should be joyful that basketball is back

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Gather around sports fans! Today marks the official start of the 2015-2016 NBA regular season. Along with regular season basketball action kicking off, the NBA has decided to release it’s third installment of their new campaign entitled “This Is Why We Play”. “This Is Why We Play” captures the emotions behind basketball’s universal appeal, showcasing stories of what motivates, inspires and excites teams, players and fans both on and off the court. Previously released spots include: “Anthem” and “Anticipation.”

Here is the latest entry to the campaign known as “Joy”. This video captures the fans and NBA players jaw dropping reactions to the league’s most unexpected and most exciting heart stopping moments. Check out the thrilling visuals of “Joy” as the NBA give fans a sneak preview of the excitement that comes with the anticipation of the start of the NBA regular season. Be on the look out as NBA franchises like the Chicago Bulls and the Golden State Warriors are planning to roll out their customized ad.



-Omari White

Follow Omari on Instagram & Twitter (@SmooveGuyO).

Feel free to join in on the movement #ThisIsWhyWePlay by following @NBA and @TheSourceMagazine on Twitter.

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Staff Writer

Brooklyn native who has been crushing the building since Izod socks! IG:@SmooveGuyO

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