Off The Wall: Paradise Plus NYC Graffiti Gallery And Store

This small shop situated in the bowels of Bushwick, Brooklyn has become one of the premiere go-to graff shops in the five boroughs

This week’s edition of’s Off The Wall feature focuses on a small business on 257 Varet Street in Brooklyn. Primarily tending to the needs of the average graff artist by supplying the latest in various international aerosol brands, their clothing lines, as well as a selection of skate, art and photography publications to satisfy the continuous influx of novice and expert skaters and artists.

Paradise Plus also puts out a quarterly publication which shares the same name as the store and will be releasing “the Hardcore Issue” of Paradise Plus Quarterly at the top of 2016. Check out the video below.


-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)

PARADISE PLUS QUARTERLY from Paradise Plus on Vimeo.